It's only the end of February, you have plenty of time!  But, maybe not!  Right now is the best time to begin getting your garden in shape for the spring season in the Garden State!  Especially if you want those blooms big and sassy in time for your first spring cook-out. Starting out too late to prepare

If you are a long time gardener you may already have most of these ideas in place and just appreciate a quick reminder.  For the new gardener who may have just moved into their new home over the winter months; here's the "gotta do this" list to be ready for spring flowers!

  • PLANNING - always the fastest way to the results you want is to plan ahead for success!  What do you want to grow?  How much time do you want to spend on maintenance?  How much room do you have for your garden?
  • LOCATION - like all good real estate, location is the number one concern to address first! A healthy garden needs water to thrive and excellent drainage so plants don't drown and end with root rot.  A minimum of six full hours of sunlight is the most desirable, unless you are planting specifically a shade garden.
  • PREPARATION - you'll want to get your soil in the best shape to feed your plants the nutrients and minerals they need to provide you with beautiful colors and smells all spring long!  Gather all the materials to ensure success, including your mulch to cover the top soil and hold moisture, the tools you'll need to keep the garden weed-free, and any product you'll use to combat insects you don't want making meals of your daisies!  If you'll be starting your plants from seeds,  you'll want to begin those indoors, giving them time to grow a bit before transplanting them outside once the danger of frost has passed.

A local nursery knows what will grow best in our area of northern New Jersey.  For seeds, advice, plants and more, take a look at  Van Vleck House & Gardens -  They'll help you connect with nature - and be inspired by a variety of the native plants.

If you're uncertain about annuals, perennials or wondering what will work best in the garden you want to design, Van Vleck will surely have the answers you need!  Annuals usually grow and bloom for just one season, and your perennials, once established in the garden bed, will continue to poke their heads up each spring year after year.

Whatever choice you make, make sure you'll be there to enjoy those blooms!  Owning your home offers many benefits, and enjoying the abundance of what you plant year after year is only one of those of advantages.  

Visit to see all the homes available to choose from in the soon to be blooming Garden State!